My child's mother took my baby and left the country tells me the only way i can see her is if i come there. The cost is not cheap i ask to talk to my daughter and shes even trying to make me pay to do that make me go threw social services so i would have to get the mobile internet plus pay social services i think 25 euros and hour to sit there with my baby. I was put on child support which i don't mind paying but at the same time i want a relationship with my daughter and if i cant get that i don't feel like i should pay. Why send her money to help pay her bills to continue to keep my baby from me. My daughter doesn't know me doesn't know of me she was a month and 1/2 when she was taken now she turns three this year. I don't feel comfortable flying to a country Ive never been to considering the fact that when i told her mother i was coming for her birthday a year ago she had a restraining order put against me people testifying in court against me. She acts like she lives up the street and i can come out there anytime i want 2 weeks out of a year spending time with a child isn't enough time to build a relationship and on top of all that she wants it to be supervised making it only certain hours out of the day which again is going to have to be paid for money i cant afford. Do i keep fighting to be there for my child or do i wait until she reaches an age to understand and explain to her what happened? How much pain and misery do you put your self threw before you say enough is enough and try to move on with your life?If your child's mother was trying to control your life with your child what would you do?
I have 21 year in fighting for your rights, but I'm sorry to say that once out of the country, your parental rights are unenforceable, even if you had custody. The same would apply if you lived there and she moved here. The United States does not honor foreign father custody rights any more than any other country. The only country to enforce fathers rights equally to the mother is Cuba. Even if all she did was move to another state, you would have the same problems.
According to the US Dept. of Health %26amp; Human Services study, ';Survey of Absent Parents'; over 60% of mothers regularly violate the access rights of fathers, cutting off all contact between the children and their fathers within five years. Unlike child support, mothers are not jailed, even with multiple Contempt of Court ruling against them for violating the fathers' court ordered visitation rights.
It can cost thousands to enforce your rights across state lines. It will cost tens of thousands with absolutely no guarantee of success. And, even if you win in one country, she can than move to another, and the whole process starts over. This gets down in this country, shifting from state to state.
One thing That should be asked is how long has she been gone? If less than 6 months, the US retains jurisdiction, so your fight takes place here, plus you can try to file an injunction to have the child returned, but the country she's in will ignore it.
If the US does retain jurisdiction, you can file to have the child support placed on hold, but you will still need to pay it into a Trust Fund. If you don't see the child until the child is an adult, the fund can be released to her, completely bypassing the mother.
\\\\\\\\\\\\\If your child's mother was trying to control your life with your child what would you do?
Child support may be paying her bills but it's also helping put a roof over her head. It sounds like you love your daughter and I don't think giving up is the right choice. Pay the 25euros to talk to your girl. download skype and with that you get free video calls. My sister gets to talk to my son all the time. If i was you i would fight to have joint custody and being yall are in two different countries you could maybe get her for half of the year and she can get her the other half. It's not your daughter's fault she is in the middle and should'nt be punished
I would just move on. Your baby's mother is a psychobitch, and eventually, your daughter will see that. I cannot stand women who use children as leverage.(Men do it too, but women, more so.) We're going through something kind of similar with the mother of three of my df's kids. My heart goes out to you.
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