Every thought we have and action we take becomes part of the collective energy of the planet. When we use our energy to bring light into the world, it combines with the light brought by others to dispel the darkness. Though we live in a world of duality, which helps us to experience the material plane, we don’t need to experience extremes to understand them. We can share our experiences and understanding with others not from a place of condescension but of connection. When the entire family of humanity understands that each of our thoughts, choices, and actions affect us all, we will share an incredible level of consciousness— one that puts our oneness above all else and helps us evolve into higher expressions of our spiritual selves. Remember the next time you witness an action of another that they are of the same earth as you but simply on a different conscious level at this point in their life. Find compassion, bless them, and move along your day in grace.
Anthony W. Lee, PhD,
This is so compelling and true! I could not have said it better myself! :D
Please keep your negative responses to yourself.
If you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing at all.
Go to the next question...
Life is good! :DOn a spiritual level of consciousness how would you apply this to your life, or would you?
Yes, I believe in the Eastern religions and philosophy of ';The Akasic records of cosmic consciousness';.
An interesting side note: Modern scientists who dabble in that are quite sure that our radio and TV waves of the past are not lost ---- they are still perceivable to those who are millions of light years from Earth --- our thought waves could work the same way and be recorded/imprinted on a variety of mediums/medians so to say. --- smiles
Edit: The more we learn about mental telepathy and all its ramifications, the more we might learn about ';prayers';.On a spiritual level of consciousness how would you apply this to your life, or would you?
I love it! It is the essence, if not the exact wording, of the ';Communion of Saints'; tenet of the Catholic Church.
Yes, life is great with Jesus! Again, this is His teaching about acceptance, love and tolerance of all.
Your post script didn't exactly match the last 2 sentences of your question. God bless you sister
What religion is this? Are you Mormon or what? Maybe you are searching.
A bit wordy for my taste, but I agree with the basic ideas, yes.
Is that the korean cult leader that is making money off of people like you?
Yes, I agree as I experience that Truth
I don't understand this question to its fullest; but I am a different bred from most religious groups here on Yahoo answer.
All of man deeply shares a collective conscious that affect us whether are willing to accept it or not. what one man thinks today another feels tommorow. Have you read Edgar Allen Poe 'The Power of Words'.
an example of a collective conscious is in hate itself.
When one man is hates another, he hold that grudge. this man chooses later to be aggressive of passive, either way conflict is deeply embedded into his psyche. This inner conflict is projected by the individual in some way, and the person he affect will go on to affect another person. the Idea is something like that. Most people believe that their action have no consequence; and they act without consideration of other.
You have an Utopian concept of what life on Earth could be like. It would be wonder-full if this could happen. We do notice the goodness that comes through when a tragedy strikes, many help. True.
But we life in a 'fallen' world, it will never be perfect. As Scripture states, ';All of Nature groans...';
Unfortunately, man will never change a thing, unless he has a changed 'mindset'. And this happens when we 'truly' trust in Jesus. We are not discussing the 'nominal' or political Christians. A genuine believer that is influenced by the H. Spirit can move mountains. But how many like these do we know?
That is pretty much what the spiritual center I go to teaches. I attend a Center for Spiritual Living, which teaches the Science of Mind. One of the basic tenets of the Science of Mind, is exactly spelled out in the quote you provided. ';Every thought we have and action we take becomes part of the collective energy of the planet.'; The Science of Mind textbook, written by Ernest Holmes points out that our thoughts and beliefs, shapes our destinies. That we can change the conditions of our lives, with our thoughts, belief systems, and emotions. It is quite a powerful teaching.
Thanks for sharing your quote.
Peace and Namaste!
heheh listen you to, you have some temper in you ;-D haha ;-P
i do think we have a posible collective energy, possibly,
tho i dont even think i understand it very well
al i know is the steryotypical hippy esque 'positive' and 'negative' 'vibes' ie energy, which i beleive in ;-D
and yes that seems to affect all around us, especially each other, as we mirror anothers mood all too often
i agree we should and can share these expereinces and knowledges but we choose , as the beings that we are, to not want to share, not want to listen, but to want to control,
even the meekest of us with the best of intentions have at some point wanted soemone else to agree with us on something we think is true from our perspective and felt the need to argue /defend our position untill they 'see the light' from our side
its just what we do,i cant fault us for that flaw, but i can fault us for not doing anything to make it better
i think we are capable of more than we let ourselves think we are thats for sure
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